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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Variations in Leadership Styles

There isn't one style of leadership, but many different styles. There is no type of leader that is considered the best but their style should suit their personality and what must be achieved. dog canine training is one of those themes that is crucial to so many individuals, and the reasons are personal and varied. Leadership style is dependent on the setting as well like the style necessary for a project manager that's head of an important business initiative will be different from a camp leader for a summer camp program. We will focus in on some of the unique leadership styles and look at what the advantages and disadvantages are for each.

The classic leadership style is known as the autocratic style. This is where the leader simply tells everyone what to do, without considering anyone else's opinion. An autocratic leader won't put up with any dissent, and does not even like others asking questions that suggest other choices are possible. This style of leadership is not popular nowadays, and is not usually the best way to gain long lasting loyalty from staff members. Autocratic leadership has its place but you'll find it virtually nonexistent in the business arena.

The next leadership type is the Laissez Faire style where it is the exact opposite of the autocratic style. A laissez faire style manager or business owner will give a project to employees and allow them to approach it in their own way. This is very effective if the individuals under the leader are very brilliant and highly motivated. This works well in family enterprises and in skunk work sort of projects. In huge organizations, such approach could result in lack of motivation from team members and project inefficiencies. The reality is, a lot of people need a certain amount of guidance in order to focus effectively and it can be a mistake to believe that everyone is willing to take responsibility and think for themselves.

Yet another leadership style is the charismatic style wherein the leader's personality is key to leading a team. Generally news and media will focus on charismatic leaders for the motivation they give. Many people respond to charisma, and a leader who has this can frequently inspire his or her people in a fashion that few other leaders can match. Unfortunately, this is something that can't actually be taught and not everyone can be this kind of leader either. There could be situations where the charismatic leader may have made errors in judgment but people will disregard it because of his or her personality. Hopefully it is very clear that house training puppyain a puppy is something that can have quite an impact on you and others, too. If the leader is charismatic but does not have business sense, it may cause problems in the future.

These are some of the many different leadership styles. Because everybody is different, you'll discover leaders that merge many of the different leadership styles to make it their own. If you'd like to become a good leader, you must study the many types and learn about each of them.

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